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Post-Webinar Best Practices: How to Keep the Momentum Going

Jerry Shen
min read
Event Marketing

Post-Webinar Best Practices: How to Keep the Momentum Going

Jerry Shen
min read

One of the biggest mistakes many marketers make is to treat the end of a webinar as the end of their marketing campaign. However, this couldn't be further from the truth. Hosting the live event is just the tip of the iceberg in a larger marketing strategy.

In this article, we'll cover a range of post-webinar best practices and strategies to help you keep the momentum going after a successful webinar. By following these best practices, you can help to increase conversions, build brand loyalty, and achieve your marketing goals. So, let's dive in and explore the world of post-webinar best practices!

Prepare for the Post-Webinar Follow-up

To truly maximize the impact of your webinar, it's essential to have a post-webinar follow-up plan in place. During this phase, you can continue to engage with attendees, gather valuable feedback, and drive conversions.

To ensure that you're prepared for the post-webinar follow-up, it's important to plan in advance. Some key tasks that you should consider include:

  1. Prepare post-webinar survey questions: This is a great way to gather feedback from webinar attendees and learn more about what they found valuable, what could be improved, and what they might be interested in seeing in future webinars.
  1. Draft a follow-up email: This first email sent to attendees after the webinar should thank them for their participation and provide them with additional resources, such as the webinar recording or relevant white papers.
  2. Create a landing page: This is a great way to keep the momentum going after the webinar ends by providing attendees with additional information and resources related to the webinar topic.

By planning for these tasks in advance, you can ensure you're ready to engage with your webinar attendees and capitalize on the momentum generated by the webinar.

Craft an Effective Follow-up Email

One of the most effective ways to keep the momentum going after a webinar is to craft a compelling follow-up email that speaks to their interests and needs.

Here are some tips for crafting an effective post-webinar follow-up email:

  1. Personalize the email: Use the attendee'’ names and reference specific information about the webinar they attended. This will help to create a more personalized experience and show that you value their participation.
  2. Include a call-to-action: Encourage attendees to take the next step, whether by downloading a white paper, scheduling a consultation, or signing up for your next webinar.
  3. Provide relevant webinar content: Include links to the webinar recording for the no-shows, presentation slides, and any other relevant resources that attendees might find valuable.

The post-webinar follow-up is all about building a relationship with attendees and nurturing them through the marketing funnel.

Conduct a Post-Webinar Survey

A post-webinar survey is a great way to gather feedback and learn more about what worked well during the live webinar and what could be improved for future events. It's also an opportunity to get a sense of attendee satisfaction and gauge the success of your webinar.

Here are some tips for conducting a post-webinar survey:

  1. Use a template: There are many post-webinar survey templates available online that you can use. These templates typically include multiple-choice and open-ended questions and cover topics such as the quality of the presentation, the relevance of the content, and the effectiveness of the speaker.
  2. Keep it short: Attendees are more likely to complete your survey if it's short and to the point. Stick to the most important questions and avoid asking for too much detailed feedback.
  3. Analyze the responses: Once you've gathered responses from attendees, take the time to analyze the results and look for patterns and trends. This will help identify improvement areas and refine your future webinar marketing strategy.

Repurpose Your Webinar Content

One of the best things about hosting a successful webinar is that it provides a wealth of valuable content that can be repurposed for other marketing efforts. Repurposing your webinar presentation can help you to reach a wider audience and extend the lifespan of your webinar beyond the live event.

Here are some examples of how to repurpose your webinar content:

  1. Create infographics: Use your webinar data to create infographics that highlight key takeaways or survey responses. This visual content can be shared on social media, in blog posts, or on your landing page.
  2. Create a podcast: Repurpose your webinar recording into a podcast by editing the content down to the most valuable parts. This can help you reach a wider audience and provide value in a different format.
  3. Write a blog post: Use your webinar content as the basis for a series of blog posts. You can summarize the key takeaways, answer audience questions, or dive deeper into specific topics.
  4. Develop social media content: Create clips or highlights and share them on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.
  5. Use for email marketing: Send out emails promoting the webinar replay, highlighting the most important takeaways. The replay can also be used as a lead magnet or free resource to encourage sign-ups for your email list.
  6. Create whitepapers or e-books: Webinar recordings can be used as a basis for whitepapers or e-books that dive deeper into the topic covered in the webinar.

Analyze Metrics to Improve Future Webinars

Analyzing metrics is a critical step in improving future webinars. By analyzing attendance rates, engagement, and conversions, you can identify areas for improvement and make adjustments for future events. Here are some tips for analyzing metrics and improving future webinars:

  1. Attendance rates: Look at your attendance rates to determine which topics and formats are most popular with your audience. If attendance is low, consider promoting your webinars more aggressively or offering incentives for attendance.
  2. Engagement: Analyze engagement metrics such as questions asked, chat participation, and polls taken. Use this data to determine which segments of your audience are most engaged and which topics resonate most with them.
  3. Conversions: Look at the conversion rates for your webinars to determine which topics and formats are most effective at driving conversions. Use this data to refine your marketing strategy and future webinar topics.
  4. Post-event survey: Use the data from your post-webinar survey to identify areas for improvement. Ask respondents for feedback on the webinar content, presentation, and format.
  5. Make adjustments: Use the collected data to make adjustments to future webinars. This could include changing the format, choosing a different topic, or adjusting the length of the webinar.


Remember, the post-webinar follow-up is an essential part of maximizing the impact of your webinar. By preparing in advance, crafting an effective follow-up email, conducting a post-webinar survey, repurposing content, promoting future webinars, and analyzing metrics, you can ensure that your webinars are successful and drive revenue for your business.

By implementing the strategies and tactics discussed in this article, you can take your webinar marketing strategy to the next level and deliver more successful webinars in the future. So, get out there and start hosting jaw-dropping experiences that drive revenue on your webinar platform!

Learn more about Webinar Best Practices here:

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