Passwordless Login
Passwordless Login has arrived for attendees and speakers! This feature will allow attendees and speakers to authenticate into Welcome events using only their email. Passwordless Login gives your event's users a seamless and easy method to enter and enjoy your events. This feature is turned on by default for all organizations, but users will still be able to set a password and authenticate the old-fashioned way if they prefer that method.
Passwordless Login works very similarly to our one-click links we currently offer through our event dashboard. How passwordless works, once a user requests to use passwordless for the event, we send an email to them containing a unique link to join the event. It's important to note that this also means these unique links will expire. To avoid confusion, please ask your producers, speakers, and attendees to familiarize themselves with the expirations below.
Expiration details:
- The link is not used for 30 minutes after being sent
- A new passwordless unique link is requested by the user
- The link will expire after use
If you'd like to turn Passwordless Login off for your organization, you can do so by connecting with our support team for assistance. As a reminder, this feature does not stop your speakers/attendees from logging in the old-fashioned way if they prefer that.
Still need help?
If none of the solutions work above and you're still experiencing issues, feel free to contact or click Help at the bottom right corner of the screen.